ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Contest 2023
Qualification Criteria
Regardless of the university quota, each of the top ten (10) teams of ICPC Dhaka Preliminary Contest 2023 may get a slot in ICPC Dhaka Regional 2023 Onsite Contest. These ten (10) teams may qualify without using the quota allotted for any university.
After applying the above clause, quota will be applied for each university. Quota will be decided based on the performance of universities in ICPC 2021 Dhaka Regional onsite contest (Hosted by BUBT), ICPC 2022 Dhaka Regional onsite contest (Hosted by GUB) . If the quota for some university is X, then the topmost (by rank in ICPC Dhaka Regional Preliminary Contest 2023) X teams of that university will be selected for ICPC Dhaka Regional Onsite Contest 2023. However, the total number of teams from a university should not be more than five (05), combining clause 1,2 and 5.
The university which will have the most number of teams solving at least one problem in the preliminary rank list will get an additional slot. This slot will also be allocated to a team of that university based on performance in the preliminary contest.
There will be two places allotted for all-girl/female teams. These two teams will be selected after all teams under the default quota have been selected (If an all-girl/female team gets a chance under the default quota that will not be counted as one of the two teams). The following rules will be maintained while selecting these two teams: (i) The two teams selected in this quota must be from two different universities/institutes (ii) Any team selected in this category must solve at least two problems in the preliminary contest (iii) The two teams will be selected in the order of rank in the Preliminary Contest 2023.
The host university (Bangladesh University of Business and Technology) will get three additional slots and the recent Dhaka regional and world final hosts from Bangladesh will get one additional slot [University of Dhaka, Southeast University, Green University, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology and University of Asia Pacific] each.
Universities that have qualified for the ICPC World Final 2023 in Egypt will get one additional slot.
The Executive committee can increase the quota, considering previous performance of a university or any other reason bypassing rules mentioned above and by increasing the total number of teams.
Wish you have a nice contest. Happy coding!